Its ghastly! Its gory! Its gruesomely gleeful! Its Creepster, the blood-curdling new font from Squid and Sideshow. This fright-filled font has so many alternates its like stitching together your own monster every time you use it. Creepster: Perfect for all of your grisly graphic needs!

Creepster font contains 226 defined characters and 169 unique glyphs.
The font contains characters from the following unicode character ranges: Basic Latin (93), Latin-1 Supplement (95), Latin Extended-A (10), Spacing Modifier Letters (8), General Punctuation (14), Currency Symbols (1), Letterlike Symbols (1), Mathematical Operators (1), Alphabetic Presentation Forms (2).
- Font Name:Creepster
- Subfamily:Regular
- Version:Version 1.002
- Trademark:Creepster is a trademark of Font Diner, Inc.
- Manufacturer:Font Diner, Inc
- Designer:Font Diner, Inc
- Vendor URL:http://www.fontdiner.com
- Designer URL:http://www.fontdiner.com
- License:This Font Software is licensed under the SIL Open Font License, Version 1.1. This license is available with a FAQ at: http://scripts.sil.org/OFL
- License URL:http://scripts.sil.org/OFL
- Description:Copyright (c) 2011, Font Diner, Inc (diner@fontdiner.com), with Reserved Font Names Creepster
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