Evanescent Font

Font Name:Evanescent
Glyphs:120 glyphs / 123 characters
License Type:Free for personal use
Downloads:1770 total (0 this week)

Font Character Map

Evanescent font contains 123 defined characters and 120 unique glyphs.
The font contains characters from the following unicode character ranges: Basic Latin (93), Latin-1 Supplement (20), Greek and Coptic (1), General Punctuation (6), Letterlike Symbols (1).
Font Metadata
- Font Name:Evanescent
- Subfamily:Regular
- Version:Version 2.00 Dec 03, 2003,
- Manufacturer:Draftlight BandFoundry - Aeryn
- Designer:Aeryn
- Vendor URL:http://bandfoundry.draftlight.net/
- Designer URL:http://www.draftlight.net/aeryn/
- License:All rendering and production of physical goods, merchandise, media labels, advertising or printed material is prohibited. This font is issued for personal online use only and contains intentional alterations from the label contract version.
- License URL:http://www.draftlight.net/aeryn/evanescence/font.php
- Description:Official (public) release, contract font Series B
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