Game of thrones font here refers to the font used in the logo of Game of Thrones, which is a medieval fantasy television series.
The font is available only in capital letters and if you just need to get the game of thrones logotype, type the “#” sign.

Game of Thrones font contains 54 defined characters and 28 unique glyphs.
The font contains characters from the following unicode character ranges: Basic Latin (56), Latin-1 Supplement (1).
- Font Name:Game of Thrones
- Subfamily:Regular
- Version:Version 1.00 July 15, 2012, initial release
- Trademark:
¨ Trademark of (CJSapps). - Designer:Charlie Samways
- Designer URL:www.csamways.com
- Description:This font was created using FontCreator 6.0 from High-Logic.com
Submit a comment, question or review about Game of Thrones font
It's beautiful and perfect!!! Thanks
I used Window's Paint to extend the "T" and create the serif at the end. Think outside the "box" people.
Thank you so much!
I see all questions about the long T by its self but no answer. I need it for something else not the # Game of Thrones. I want to use it to write Today.
Hashtag isn't working for me ...
Thanks Charlie for sharing. I think you should just use a manual extract to get the ''T" after typing the # sign
Print Screen worked for me... I only needed a few words with the funny "O"...
Very cool - Thanks!
sou do Brasil muito da hora I really needed these sources, thank you.
Hey, can I get a long t for a word other than Game Of Thrones
How can I pay for the license?
Perfect! Thank you!
I have downloaded the font and I'm trying to get an ' , but when I press it and "F" comes up. help!
I downloaded this on my Mac and it won't preview or install. Help?
If you click shift # you will get the whole "Game of Thrones" words in the special character style in word.
I was wondering how to get the long T I don't want the word Game of Thrones
Go to photo you write there "Game of Thrones" and then "shift #" you get it...
Where do you type the #? Before the word of after or instead of the letter
This font is AWESOME! Thank you for sharing! Also, the Game of Thrones worked with the #! Thanks, again!
Hi Charlie-Jorge - I'm interested in the same questions as some of the folks above, ie is there a way to input some of those longer/stretched letters like the T in Thrones when you type #. Thanks
Cool! But the T don't work with the # sign or any of the other special characters :(
thank you so much! (y)
Im new to getting new fonts. How do I use it in word?
Excellent!!!!! Thanks!!!
How do you do the actual title text like with the T that goes over thrones?
Thanks, Charlie-Jorge. This comes greatly appreciated.
what about numbers?
Thank you to everyone using my font, glad to see it going to good use :)
The Game of Thrones with the long T is in the hashtag key. Type # and you should get it.
How do I make the long T? I see the question asked by another user and "thanks" from other users... but I see no answer.
How do i make the long T with it
Nice.. thanks..
I wanted with accents
It's useful and beautiful!!!...